If I name my dog Argos, does that make me, like, a 21st century Odysseus?

October 12, 2011 § 1 Comment

What’s it going to be then, eh? I suppose that, since this is my inaugural posting, an introduction is in order: my name is Mike, I am a 20-something year old Peace Corps volunteer serving in the semi-arid heart of Tanzania, and … I idolize Han Solo?  This here is my second year in country, on this adventure 10,000 miles across the globe, and I just decided, upon returning from a little respite in the States, that I need to catalogue some of the things that I’m doing.  You see, there seems to be some interest in what this life is like – my life! – and I feel terrible for not keeping up better correspondence.  So, I thought that I would document and ruminate on my experiences in an open forum for anyone who cares to read this fluff; provide some pictures, soothe my soul, open myself up to public criticism and humiliation, that sort of thing.  Since I’m a year in I may reminisce every once and a while, and do expect pondering and other such nonsense.  Also, expect video game references, nerdom, and a bit of self-effacing with a dash of pomp.

I’m also going to keep this blog as a sort of task master – my digital mistress who will keep me on track as I attempt a course in self improvement, for I am a fine dreamer, filled with aspirations and quite able in the art of fantastic ideation.  For example, one of my dreams since entering college has been to develop a bionic arm, not unlike Luke Skywalker’s. No joke.  (Actually, Dean Kamen, the guy who invented the Segway, is already well on his way towards impulse controlled limbs. Nice job, Segway guy).  I also love cryptozoology.  If you don’t know what that is, look it up. Or don’t, because, good lord, I fear I’ve already scared off half of any would be readers away.

Anyways, back on track.  What I am no good at is action, and I sincerely hope that the prospect of public humiliation in the face of failing in a task will be enough of an impetus to keep me going.  I’ve got to overcome my activation energy, if you would, for I would like to emerge from among the Bedouin a man, of sorts. This little blog will, hopefully, spur me on through the slings and arrows of tremendous laziness.

So, look forward to tales of the green hills of Africa and to the thoughts of a young man-child, stuck in the flux of this emerging adulthood, staring at a sea of possibilities.  Look forward to a slightly humiliating and personal account of my life, and feel free to bolster or criticize as needed.  Oh, and above all, thanks for reading this far, for if anything, Peace Corps is an excellent emotional amplifier, and I can see that this last diddy did tend towards the dramatic.

Until next time.

§ One Response to If I name my dog Argos, does that make me, like, a 21st century Odysseus?

  • Dave Berg says:

    You nick-named your opening post “Hello World?” What a nerd.

    Welcome to the blogosphere, nerd. Sidenote: can’t tell you how I excited I am that you’re blogging.

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